Serach by tag «рпп»

Road to the ocean

The article is presented in Russian

Phobos. Fears.

The article is presented in Russian

Don't you want a baloon, Georgie?

The article is presented in Russian

Shades of modern love

The article is presented in Russian

Scholarship and other types of material support

Scholarships and other types of material support are not provided.   Dormitory, boarding school - not provided.   Employment - not provided.

Стипендия и иные виды материальной поддержки

Стипендий и иные виды материальной поддержки — не предоставляются. Общежитие, интернат — не предоставляются. Трудоустройство — не предоставляется.  

Elizabeth Parinova

Psychologist, accredited gestalt-therapist and supervisor of «Moscow Gestalt Institute» of practical psychology Society «Gestalt-Podhod» Education: East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dalia, Master of Psychology Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, graduate school, faculty of psychology The author's program…

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