Serach by tag «рпп»

Logistics support

The provision of educational activities and equipment of premises is in accordance with state and local standards and requirements, including in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards, federal state requirements and educational standards.   Conference room: chairs 30 pcs, table, projector Cabinet №1: chairs…

Financial and economic activities

The procedure for drawing up a plan of financial and economic activity complies with the requirements of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Order No. 81n of July 28, 2010).   The requirements for the preparation of a plan of financial and economic activity, approval and placement in the public domain, in accordance with subparagraph…

Paid educational services

The procedure for the provision of paid educational services is governed by the regulation on the organization of paid educational services at the International Institute of Gestalt Analysis and Supervision (LLC «KTC Gestalt-Analysis»).

Leadership and academic staff

Rector: Dykhne Elena Aleksandrovna ☎ +7 916 672-49-04   Executive Director: Mutilina Lyubov Nikolaevna ☎ +7 917 581-15-15   Scientific and pedagogical staff: Dykhne E.A. - rector, psychologist. Higher education, work experience 18 years. Lecturer, disciplines: Development…

The structure and governing bodies of the educational organization

The general management of MIGAS is carried out by the rector Dykhne E.A.   The rector issues orders on the appointment of employees of the educational unit, their resignation and dismissal, carries out general management of the organization of the educational process, approves internal regulations and other local acts, educational programs, curricula,…


The section contains the main documents for familiarization: Articles of association Educational license MIGAS trademark Legal Entity Registration Certificate Certificate of Registration Regulation on the educational unit The rules of the internal labor schedule of employees Students internal regulations Rules for admission, transfer,…


The International Institute of Gestalt Analysis and Supervision implements additional professional education programs for adults: general education programs in psychology and gestalt therapy, professional retraining programs based on existing higher education and advanced training programs.   Documents issued after the end of the programs   General…

About Us

GENERAL INFORMATION Full name  International Institute of Gestalt Analysis and Supervision Short name  MIGAS   Information about establishment The International Institute of Gestalt Analysis and Supervision was created on the basis of the GESTALT-ANALYSIS Consulting and Training Center (is an educational unit of the Company) and…

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