Поиск по тэгу «онлайн»

Shades of modern love

The article is presented in Russian

Scholarship and other types of material support

Scholarships and other types of material support are not provided.   Dormitory, boarding school - not provided.   Employment - not provided.

Стипендия и иные виды материальной поддержки

Стипендий и иные виды материальной поддержки — не предоставляются. Общежитие, интернат — не предоставляются. Трудоустройство — не предоставляется.  

Elizabeth Parinova

Psychologist, accredited gestalt-therapist and supervisor of «Moscow Gestalt Institute» of practical psychology Society «Gestalt-Podhod» Education: East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dalia, Master of Psychology Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, graduate school, faculty of psychology The author's program…

Eugenia Abdulina

Psychologist, accredited gestalt-therapist and supervisor of «Moscow Gestalt Institute» of practical psychology Society «Gestalt-Podhod», Moscow Gestalt Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, Gestalt Institute of St. Petersburg, Certificated EPG (Ecôle Parisienne de Gestalt) in sexo-pathology, candidate of International group therapy school under the…

Eugeniy Kolesnikov

Psychiatrist, medical psychologist, associative trainer of  All-Ukrainian Psychology Society that Practice gestalt-approach (VOPP GP), accredited EAGT gestalt supervisor Education: Odessa State Medical Institute, medical psychologist National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Psychiatrist ☎ +3 8093 204-76-77   skype: e-kolesnikov

Eugeniy Goncharuk

Clinical psychologist, accredited gestalt-therapy, supervisor, trainer of  All-Ukrainian Psychology Society that Practice gestalt-approach (VOPP GP) Education: ONU named after I.I. Machnikov DISO (Donetsk Institute of Social Education) The Moscow Gestalt Institute authoring program of the Gestalt-Approach Society of Practicing Psychologists,…

Anna Fedosova

Psychologist, Candidate of  Psychological Science, accredited gestalt-therapist and supervisor «Moscow Gestalt Institution» program of Practical Psychologists Society, system family therapist, Author of more than 200 publications «Gestalt-Podhod» (including 4 student books and 2 monographs) in psychology and psychotherapy, book author, «About kind and…

Igor Sorokin

Hight qualified Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Gestalt-therapist, Toxicologist (Acute poisoning centre for mental patient NII E.R. residency named after Sklifosovskiy), member of Russian Psychotherapeutic Association, Russian Psychiatric Society member Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenova, doctor Center…

Maria Zvaigzne

Psychologist, accredited gestalt-therapist and supervisor, family and clinical Psychologist, groups moderator Education: Moscow humanitarian institute, pedagogue-psychologist Institute of psychotherapy and clinical psychology, clinical psychologist «Moscow Gestalt Institute» Program, accredited supervisor and associated trainer ☎ +7…

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